


只有纽约州州长才可以 关闭 校园. 大学可以 延迟 办公室空缺. 大学可以 取消 根据校园情况安排任何或所有课程.

面对面的课程将是 取消了 办公室的开放也将是 延迟 only under extreme circumstances, such as severely inclement weather or other emergency situations.

只有总督才可 关闭 由于天气原因,纽约州办公室关闭. 因为我们是一所州立大学,所以我们遵循 纽约州有关办公室关闭的政策.



只要有恶劣的天气, 但是现在还在上课,办公室也开放, 学生, faculty and staff should use their best judgment as to whether they feel comfortable traveling to campus. 因为这些情况很少发生, 大多数教授都能理解因为天气原因缺课.

Students should notify professors if they expect to be absent from class, 教师应该向学生传达他们的计划.

The University asks employees to notify supervisors of their planned absence and their intention to use leave credits, 适当的. 员工是否可以在家工作 纽约州立大学的远程办公政策,那么他们就不需要收取应计费用.



The decision to delay 办公室空缺 or cancel in-person 类 involves Facilities Operations & 管理层,校长和教务长.

They consider factors including the forecast from the National Weather Service, 校园内外天气恶劣, 区域路况, 以及正确清理校园人行道和停车场的能力.

课程可能会被取消一整天或一天的一部分. 为 instance, the University may announce that all in-person 类 prior to 11 a.m. 取消了,11点或11点以后开始的课.m. 会遇到.




When the decision has been made to cancel 类 and/or delay 办公室空缺, 通讯办公室 & 市场营销部门将采取以下步骤告知我们的社区:

  • Send an email to all 学生, faculty and staff via their @planseeds.net地址
  • Send an “NPAlert” text message (SMS) to all 学生, faculty and staff at the phone number on file
  • 在校园主页上发布消息

These communications are the official sources of information on 龙八国际网页long8868下载安卓 delays and cancellations and supersede any other available public information.

Announcements about delays and cancellations will be made as early as possible.

通宵的恶劣天气扰乱了早上的活动, 我们力争不迟于上午6点发布公告.m.

因应下午及晚上的恶劣天气, announcements will be made no less than 90 minutes prior to the cancellation of in-person 类. 例如,一个公告将在下午12:30发布.m. 如果我们在下午2点后取消课程.m.



It is a requirement of New York State that faculty must make up all missed 类. 因天气原因取消航班:

  1. 异步在线 类 are not impacted by cancellations and 学生 can continue to work as previously planned.
  2. 类是 结合在线 (meaning they included both synchronous and asynchronous elements) may pivot to completely asynchronous.
  3. 类指定为 同步在线 or 混合动力 在线交付能在预定时间发生吗. Faculty must communicate with their 学生 before deciding to do this. (如因天气原因而取消课程, it is reasonable to assume that there may be personal challenges preventing usual course attendance and delivery.)
  4. 完全坐 (i.e. (面对面的)课程 hyflex 类, faculty should use the make-up days as listed on the academic calendar to schedule extra 类. (在这种情况下,缺课的时间比补课的时间还多, 请与档案办公室联系 & Registration to schedule additional dates and times that are acceptable to the class.)

Note that 类 that are missed for reasons unrelated to the weather, e.g.、教员疾病、经批准的个人或职业原因等.,也一定是编造出来的.



在暴风雪期间和之后, Facilities Management staff will prioritize major arterial roads for snow removal like high-traffic walkways and roadways, especially the ones that connect critical service areas such as 大学警察, 健康中心, 宿舍和餐饮服务. Priority is also given to ADA walkways as directed by the Disability Resource Center.

This means that some pathways will be given lower priority and may not be cleared immediately. 住在校园里的学生, 以及其他在这些活动期间可能在校园里的人, should be aware of these conditions and take precautions accordingly.



When in-person 类 are 取消了 and 办公室空缺 are 延迟, Facilities staff may not be able to keep up with snowfall or ice conditions to ensure all campus roadways and sidewalks are safe. Organizers of campus events should be aware of weather conditions and are responsible for cancelling or postponing events and informing the community of these decisions.


沟通办公时间 & 可用性

各办事处在恶劣天气下一般保持开放, but it is common for them to be understaffed if employees opt to remain home for personal safety reasons. 在这种情况下, 告知学生是很重要的, staff and visitors that a specific office may be 关闭d or operated with reduced staffing.

Individual offices and departments are responsible for communicating staff shortages using our “办公时间 & 可用性”网站. 只需点击“提交/更新办公时间和可用性”,,登录你的账户, 选择要更新的办公室并上传关闭信息.



During inclement weather events, essential state employees are expected to report to work.

Employees are designated as “essential” if they are employed in positions that must be staffed to preserve the public safety or welfare of 校园 community. If you are uncertain about which category of employee you are (essential or non-essential), 请联系你的主管进行澄清.

Non-essential state employees may report to work unless there is an announcement that the governor has 关闭d 校园. They may also choose to work from home via the current telecommuting policy, 或者请求批准收取休假积分.

除非州长下令关闭, offices should remain open for those employees who are able to report to work. 因此, supervisors are urged to take advance steps to develop procedures for employees, 例如建立员工电话通知程序, 确保主管和员工之间的适当沟通.



定期, 校园 participates in mandatory energy use reduction directives during summer months and must cut back on our air conditioning use. While Facilities Management staff will make every effort to rotate the cycling on and off of our chillers to keep the buildings as comfortable as possible, 我们认识到,一些工作空间可能会变得不舒服. 给您带来不便,我们深表歉意.

在这种情况下, please remember that only the Governor can authorize an early departure from a state agency without charge to leave credits. Each employee must decide whether they wish to leave work early and must charge their leave credits if they do so. 员工是否可以在家工作 纽约州立大学的远程办公政策,那么他们就不需要收取休假积分.

You can also help keep your working spaces cooler by closing blinds and turning off lights, 在可行的地方. We would also ask that you 关闭 blinds and turn off lights and computers when you depart for the evening or the weekend.


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